Monday, June 1, 2009

3 1/2 Weeks to go!!

36 down, 3 1/2 to go (or less). So I was taken off of bed rest almost two weeks ago. Must admit I am glad it was short lived, I am so not good at sitting down when I have to. I was dilated to 2 cm when they took me off bedrest, and at my appointment last Wednesday I was 2 cm still, but 50% effaced. I have still been having a lot of contractions, but they are so irregular and not really painful that I have just been ignoring them.

To be honest, it has been hard to transition from being a full time student being BUSY all the time to having hardly anything that I have to do. I know that will change in just a couple weeks with the arrival of the baby, but for now I just don't know what to do! I find myself sitting in front of the TV way more than I would like to (I don't particularly like TV at all, one or two shows a week and even then I record them and skip the commercials). I seriously need to pick up some hobbies as I cannot remember what my hobbies were before I got so busy with school.

Anyway, not a whole lot else is going on right now except Jacob is still looking for a job and waiting to get his x-ray certification. Anybody have connections to a hospital here in AZ that is needing an x-ray tech?


Anonymous said...

When that baby comes you won't know what happened to all your free time. Those newborns are more than a full-time job! They are like 2 full-time jobs put together.

Taya said...

Hi Ashley! This is Taya Goodwin, Kaitlin & Darons step-mom. We were sorry to miss your shower at the last minute and have a gift for you that I need to bring by. Can you email me your address and I'll drop it by sometime in the next week or so??? My email is

Congrats on getting ready to have your sweet baby girl! You'll definitly be busy for awhile! When things calm down in the fall you'll have to give the kids a call to come visit their new little cousin!

Best wishes,