Literally 15 minutes after Jacob left for work. The title company called wanting to set up our signing appointment. We could have signed our papers today, but alas we will have to wait...
9:00 a.m.
Big Fat cashiers check for closing costs.
1 or 2 day wait.....
The house (and keys) are MINE!!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Dear Stardust....
You have done the wonderful job of finding me new kitchen cupboards. Instead of looking like this, as it does now, the walls will soon be graced with your new cupboards. All for only 1400.
You're the best!!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Picture of the House.
Just imagine these three pictures together in one. I couldn't pull it off in Photoshop, so you will just have to work with me here.
And my pretty green backyard with a garden smack dab in the middle. (see pile of brown dirt) I have lettuce growing, and I didn't have to do a thing!!!
First Tooth & Pictures from the Phone
Jessica got her first tooth last friday... the day before her 9 mo. birthday (just like crawling and 8th months). It is still working its way out, but that was when we felt it first.
Not much else is going on except I am working on packing up all my things, trying to finish some projects that I know I will not be getting around to for a very long time if they are not finished before we close on the house.
Oh!! Almost forgot. I chopped off my hair. I had been thinking about getting a haircut for several months, so while I was in Snowflake I went to Showlow to the NPC cosmetology clinic and got my hair cut. I was able to donate 10 inches to Lawks of Luhv (I know the spelling is off here but I don't want to be showing up on tons of search engines... already have had a couple visitors because of it...) (Yeah!! I was thinking about it already but just decided to cut my hair and didn't realize I could donate it there until one of the instructors asked if I wanted to since we were cutting off so much)
Here are some random photos that were on my phone. Enjoy!!!
Sleepin on the job. Seriously, how hard can eating be?
Hey Mom, what are these?
I want to go for a ride!!
Tryin' to reach the toy in the walker.
Cousin stare down.
Being held by Grandma H.
With Grandpa E.
The things Daddy and Grandma will do to make the baby happy.
Trying on Halloween Costumes.
Christmas tree cutting at Old Sunrise.
Who cares about the tree? Dot's gotta keep her nails clean... and Gertie has to take pics of the whole event.
And for the talented sisters (Christy made the "BE" blocks, and Gertie made the photo blocks)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Jessica Walked!
I think the VIDEO says most of it. My hands are close to her, but not touching, and today was the first time she has EVER taken a step without holding onto something... and she goes all the way across the room.
Hopefully she will do it again when Dad gets home from work. If not, he will just have to settle for the video.
Hopefully she will do it again when Dad gets home from work. If not, he will just have to settle for the video.
Monday, March 15, 2010
April 11
Tax day? No, thats the 15th....
Birthday? No, thats later this year....
Anniversary? Nope, already past this year...
April 11th is the day that I get to call this:
Jessica Crawls... I am in Snowflake...
This is a few weeks late, but Jessica started crawling last month, the day before she turned 8 months old. HOORAY!! .... Now she is getting into quite a few things, but not too much. The first week or so she kept wanting to crawl to the TV stand with all the electronics and their pretty lights. She got close then kept reaching out to grab things, and I kept putting her hand back on the floor and saying "no". After about the 6th or 7th time, she realized I was serious and started to cry, at which point I turned her around and gave her a different toy to play with. Thankfully it only took 5 or 6 times of doing that for her to quit trying altogether.
She is doing really well with crawling over steps. From the Family Room to Arizona Room, there is a five inch drop and she has face planted on the tile several times, but now she goes over the drop no problem except when she is tired.
Jessica has become so attached recently. If she is not with someone she knows (grandma, grandpa, mom or dad) then she gets hysterical. I left her in the nursery when we had our Relief Society luncheon last Saturday, and she lasted maybe 5 minutes. And with my Mom and sister today, she is only happy if I am in direct sight, and sometimes only when I am holding her.
So this morning I was sitting down for breakfast, and my mom in law asked what my plans were for the day and I did not really have a response except ... uuhhh.... uuhhh.... SO, I thought about what I wanted to do (since this is my week off from tutoring because of spring break) and I decided to come up to Snowflake. I had planned on it earlier in the year, but had never made official plans, and pretty much decided against it last night, but then I changed my mind this morning about 7:30, by 9:30 I had washed the dishes, packed and headed out the door, leaving the hubby behind to fend for himself for a couple of days.
Jessica slept all the way to Payson, had a bottle, got a diaper change in Forest Lakes, Graham Crackers in Heber then fell asleep while finishing them off and slept the rest of the way to my parents place. It was a fabulous trip. I LOVE that she can feed herself now!!! I just hand back the crackers, and she devours them. So much easier than having to stop every time she gets fussy. Just pull out a cracker!! Should have named her Polly :).
So for Snowflake. I don't know what I am going to do while I am here, but it doesn't really matter, it is just a change of pace and it is wonderful. So far I got to help my mom edit her essay, build a fire (first try!! wahoo! I am so talented!!), watch my nieces and nephew and chat with my hubby while he was on his way home from work.
She is doing really well with crawling over steps. From the Family Room to Arizona Room, there is a five inch drop and she has face planted on the tile several times, but now she goes over the drop no problem except when she is tired.
Jessica has become so attached recently. If she is not with someone she knows (grandma, grandpa, mom or dad) then she gets hysterical. I left her in the nursery when we had our Relief Society luncheon last Saturday, and she lasted maybe 5 minutes. And with my Mom and sister today, she is only happy if I am in direct sight, and sometimes only when I am holding her.
So this morning I was sitting down for breakfast, and my mom in law asked what my plans were for the day and I did not really have a response except ... uuhhh.... uuhhh.... SO, I thought about what I wanted to do (since this is my week off from tutoring because of spring break) and I decided to come up to Snowflake. I had planned on it earlier in the year, but had never made official plans, and pretty much decided against it last night, but then I changed my mind this morning about 7:30, by 9:30 I had washed the dishes, packed and headed out the door, leaving the hubby behind to fend for himself for a couple of days.
Jessica slept all the way to Payson, had a bottle, got a diaper change in Forest Lakes, Graham Crackers in Heber then fell asleep while finishing them off and slept the rest of the way to my parents place. It was a fabulous trip. I LOVE that she can feed herself now!!! I just hand back the crackers, and she devours them. So much easier than having to stop every time she gets fussy. Just pull out a cracker!! Should have named her Polly :).
So for Snowflake. I don't know what I am going to do while I am here, but it doesn't really matter, it is just a change of pace and it is wonderful. So far I got to help my mom edit her essay, build a fire (first try!! wahoo! I am so talented!!), watch my nieces and nephew and chat with my hubby while he was on his way home from work.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Any Resemblance?
So here is what I found when I was looking through the pictures we took while we were in Sedona:

You'd think we all like to smile or something :)
I LOVE the colors we saw on the hike. Reds, Yellows, Greens, Pastels. Beautiful!

These berries were completely dry. So beautifully preserved!!!

Now what would a trip be without pictures of the clouds?

Our stop at Montezuma's Castle on the way home.

So ready to be done.

LATE POSTING: She is here!!!
Who: Jessica Lynn Johnson
Day: Saturday June 20, 2009
Time: 2:47 pm
Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz
Length: 21 inches

Sorry it has taken me so long to get this posted, I don't really have an excuse other than I have someone that depends on me for absolutely everything... you know how it goes. Anyway, for those of you who have absolutely been dying to hear the gory details of the delivery here it goes...
Saturday morning I woke up about 4:00 to go to the bathroom, and on the way my water broke. Soaked my clothes half way to the knee. Lovely feeling, I know. I did not want to wake up Jacob right away because I knew it was going to be a long day for him, so I got a few things together, and then I woke him up. We got to the hospital around 4:30 a.m. and sat in the triage room until close to 6:15. I hate those small, uncomfortable beds in there so I was glad when we finally got a room in Labor and Delivery. I was dilated to 5 by 7:30 (at which time I got an epidural), and stayed that way until they gave me pitocin (around 10) to speed things up. By ......
So I never finished this post. So here is a rough (8 months later) finish.
They gave me another dose of the epidural around 11:00 or so because it was wearing off and I was feeling the contractions although I though I was just feeling the pressure. I was getting tired really fast and when I started crying over nothing they told me I was getting more medicine. 5 minutes later I was talking and laughing again like nothing happened. About 1:30 they decided I was dilated enough so they prepped the room for the delivery and had me start pushing about 1:45. An hour later Jessica was here. I needed a few stitches, but everything else went really well. It made me cry to see Jacob holding Jessica and the way he looked at her. He was smitten from the first moments.
I was so happy to have so much family there with me in the Delivery room. Jacob, Mom (both of you), Deanna. And all of you waiting in the lobby. That was such a special day and I am glad so many of you could share that with us.
By the way, I loved the epidural. My mom kept looking at the monitors, then looking at me and asking, "and you didn't feel that?" ... Mine was the first delivery she has witnessed with an epidural.
Day: Saturday June 20, 2009
Time: 2:47 pm
Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz
Length: 21 inches
Sorry it has taken me so long to get this posted, I don't really have an excuse other than I have someone that depends on me for absolutely everything... you know how it goes. Anyway, for those of you who have absolutely been dying to hear the gory details of the delivery here it goes...
Saturday morning I woke up about 4:00 to go to the bathroom, and on the way my water broke. Soaked my clothes half way to the knee. Lovely feeling, I know. I did not want to wake up Jacob right away because I knew it was going to be a long day for him, so I got a few things together, and then I woke him up. We got to the hospital around 4:30 a.m. and sat in the triage room until close to 6:15. I hate those small, uncomfortable beds in there so I was glad when we finally got a room in Labor and Delivery. I was dilated to 5 by 7:30 (at which time I got an epidural), and stayed that way until they gave me pitocin (around 10) to speed things up. By ......
So I never finished this post. So here is a rough (8 months later) finish.
They gave me another dose of the epidural around 11:00 or so because it was wearing off and I was feeling the contractions although I though I was just feeling the pressure. I was getting tired really fast and when I started crying over nothing they told me I was getting more medicine. 5 minutes later I was talking and laughing again like nothing happened. About 1:30 they decided I was dilated enough so they prepped the room for the delivery and had me start pushing about 1:45. An hour later Jessica was here. I needed a few stitches, but everything else went really well. It made me cry to see Jacob holding Jessica and the way he looked at her. He was smitten from the first moments.
I was so happy to have so much family there with me in the Delivery room. Jacob, Mom (both of you), Deanna. And all of you waiting in the lobby. That was such a special day and I am glad so many of you could share that with us.
By the way, I loved the epidural. My mom kept looking at the monitors, then looking at me and asking, "and you didn't feel that?" ... Mine was the first delivery she has witnessed with an epidural.
Alright. On to updating on Jacob. He is still as handsome and as wonderful as ever in case you were all wondering...
Oh I love this man. He does so much for me and Jessica. He works so hard to bring home the dough... guess its up to me to cook it :) hehe.
Jacob finished classes in April of 2009, graduated in May, took his board exams the end of that month, waited for his results and certification to be able to put out official applications for work. So he put out applications, and applications and applications. In AZ, in UT (daring eh? We all know how he dislikes the cold, so that would almost be considered suicide right? hehe). .... June. Nothing. July. Nothing. August. Nothing... get the picture? We were getting worried. Finally October rolls around and he sees a job opening at the hospital he did his Clinical work at and applied for it. It was only part time, but got to start somewhere eh? He got the job, and started his 'training' the week before Thanksgiving (full time for the first three weeks. Fabulous), so he missed out on all of the festivities with my family, but got to have a nice dinner with most of his family.
He was able to work a few extra days here and there when his colleagues wanted a day off and needed to find someone to cover for him. Just before New Years on Sunday, he was talking to one of his co-workers who mentioned that she was working extra hours at another hospital in the same network, so she mentioned his name to her supervisor, who emailed Jacob, Jacob was interviewed and was working by Wednesday. He was able to work at the first hospital part time and fill in the rest of his hours at the second for about a month.
When one of his other co-workers told everyone that she would be having surgery, they asked Jacob if he would cover her shift while she recovered. At this point the second hospital did not need him as much because their person who was out came back, but he was able to keep up the full time with the switch. Then, a full time position opened up at the hospital, he applied for it as well as another co-worker. She got it. But, he got her shift. YEAH!!! Officially full time!!! Hooray lower health insurance premiums!!
He now works from 12:00 noon to 8:30 p.m. so I get to see him for several hours in the morning, make lunch and eat with him, make his dinner, and send him off to work. I am LOVING this schedule! (also too because Jessica goes to bed at 7:00 so I have 2 hours to do WHATEVER I want to do! And tonight that whatever led me to the conclusion that I want to start blogging again.)
Some reasons I love my Jacob:
*He loves to take me to my favorite stores (DI, Savers, etc.) and find awesome deals with me. In the past 3 weeks we have found a Kitchen aid for $80, a medela double breast pump for $25, a little people Manger scene for $15, Tons of toys for Jessica all for not more than $10.
*He loves to help me fix up things that we find at said stores. We are taking apart the kitchen aid, re-greasing it, replacing missing parts, etc.
*He is willing to try new things. While he was looking for work, his car needed work, so he searched this wonderful thing called the Internet and found tutorials on how to fix what needed to be fixed and got to work.
*He indulges me in my whims. In October I decided I wanted to getaway for the weekend, so I took him on an adventure to Sedona. He had no idea where we were going until we were leaving town. Jessica loved being on Jacob's back in the Snugli.

... Isn't Life Wonderful?
As a precursor, I want to let you all know how and why I came to the conclusion that I needed to begin my blog again.
#1 Relief Society Session of Conference, Dieter F. Utchdorf's talk on Creating (See video HERE). I WANT to create. This blog will allow me to create memories for myself and others.
#2 I see your blogs and realize how much you inspire me to do so many wonderful things, and I want to be able to inspire others the same way that all of you inspire me.
#3 Remember. I want to remember the happy times, the sad times, the hard times, the easy times. I don't really write in a journal that often, so how am I supposed to pass my life memories on to my children if I don't write them somewhere.
#4 Change. I am ready for a change in my life. I need something that makes me want to be a better person, makes me want to make changes for the better, to become the person that I have always wanted to be and I feel that I just might be able to make some of those small changes through this blog.
Now that I have told all of you why I feel a need to return to the blog, there are many things that I need to update everyone on.
So the first thing is Jessica.
Jessica Lynn was born Saturday June 25, 2009. 8 lbs 3 oz, 21 in. long, somewhere around 2:45 in the afternoon (I was focusing on getting the baby out, not the time, and even though I have seen it written down a dozen times I still cannot remember). Her first night was a rough one, she would hardly sleep at all, and I was getting so tired. Finally around midnight we called in a nurse because I could not get her settled down. The nurse brought a bottle of formula. Jessica drank an ounce, and went right to sleep. :) My good little eater! The rest of the hospital stay was not very eventful.
We were able to come home on Monday afternoon, and again the first night was rough. Jessica in a bassinet next to my bed. She would fall asleep, and wake up half an hour later. I made it through about 2:00 a.m. and then could not take it any more. I needed some sleep. Jacob took over for a few hours while I got some shut eye, and then I took over again at 5 a.m. After a little sleep I realized that she might be cold since our house is colder than the hospital, so I put a hat on her (should have thought of that before!) and she went right to sleep for a few hours.
The next few weeks we were getting used to having the baby at home, nursing and the like. At six weeks Jessica started sleeping through the night. At first it was from about 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and it gradually got longer and longer. Now she sleeps from 7:00 p.m to 6:oo a.m. She started smiling about a month old, laughing at 3 months, rolling from front to back at 4 months, back to front at 6 months, crawling at 8 months (2 weeks ago tomorrow!).
She babbles all the time, she can already say "all done" and I am pretty sure she knows what she means. Sometimes she will push the bottle away from her and say "dah dah" with the first 'dah' a high pitch, and lowering the pitch on the second 'dah'. It is the cutest thing. Jessica definitely plays hard to get. It is difficult to get her to laugh, she usually only laughs when she is tired, or when something random happens. For example, a couple weeks ago Cheryl (Jacob's mom) was having the Webelos in the ward work on their fitness badge, so we all walked down to the school and the boys were doing standing long jumps. Jessica started laughing a gut laugh when one of the boys jumped, so he kept doing it over and over to get her to laugh more.
Two of Jessica's FAVORITE toys are: my keys (probably typical of most little ones), and tissues. Yes, as in the ones that you blow your nose into. She loves to take them and tear them into a million little pieces. I will have to let her have at it sometime and take a picture of the end result. These can seriously keep her occupied for half an hour.
This is about all I can think of for the moment, but I will update you more as I REMEMBER things.
*** This has already been so therapeutic for me. I finally feel like I have something back that I have been missing for a long time. ***
#1 Relief Society Session of Conference, Dieter F. Utchdorf's talk on Creating (See video HERE). I WANT to create. This blog will allow me to create memories for myself and others.
#2 I see your blogs and realize how much you inspire me to do so many wonderful things, and I want to be able to inspire others the same way that all of you inspire me.
#3 Remember. I want to remember the happy times, the sad times, the hard times, the easy times. I don't really write in a journal that often, so how am I supposed to pass my life memories on to my children if I don't write them somewhere.
#4 Change. I am ready for a change in my life. I need something that makes me want to be a better person, makes me want to make changes for the better, to become the person that I have always wanted to be and I feel that I just might be able to make some of those small changes through this blog.
Now that I have told all of you why I feel a need to return to the blog, there are many things that I need to update everyone on.
So the first thing is Jessica.
Jessica Lynn was born Saturday June 25, 2009. 8 lbs 3 oz, 21 in. long, somewhere around 2:45 in the afternoon (I was focusing on getting the baby out, not the time, and even though I have seen it written down a dozen times I still cannot remember). Her first night was a rough one, she would hardly sleep at all, and I was getting so tired. Finally around midnight we called in a nurse because I could not get her settled down. The nurse brought a bottle of formula. Jessica drank an ounce, and went right to sleep. :) My good little eater! The rest of the hospital stay was not very eventful.
We were able to come home on Monday afternoon, and again the first night was rough. Jessica in a bassinet next to my bed. She would fall asleep, and wake up half an hour later. I made it through about 2:00 a.m. and then could not take it any more. I needed some sleep. Jacob took over for a few hours while I got some shut eye, and then I took over again at 5 a.m. After a little sleep I realized that she might be cold since our house is colder than the hospital, so I put a hat on her (should have thought of that before!) and she went right to sleep for a few hours.
The next few weeks we were getting used to having the baby at home, nursing and the like. At six weeks Jessica started sleeping through the night. At first it was from about 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and it gradually got longer and longer. Now she sleeps from 7:00 p.m to 6:oo a.m. She started smiling about a month old, laughing at 3 months, rolling from front to back at 4 months, back to front at 6 months, crawling at 8 months (2 weeks ago tomorrow!).
She babbles all the time, she can already say "all done" and I am pretty sure she knows what she means. Sometimes she will push the bottle away from her and say "dah dah" with the first 'dah' a high pitch, and lowering the pitch on the second 'dah'. It is the cutest thing. Jessica definitely plays hard to get. It is difficult to get her to laugh, she usually only laughs when she is tired, or when something random happens. For example, a couple weeks ago Cheryl (Jacob's mom) was having the Webelos in the ward work on their fitness badge, so we all walked down to the school and the boys were doing standing long jumps. Jessica started laughing a gut laugh when one of the boys jumped, so he kept doing it over and over to get her to laugh more.
Two of Jessica's FAVORITE toys are: my keys (probably typical of most little ones), and tissues. Yes, as in the ones that you blow your nose into. She loves to take them and tear them into a million little pieces. I will have to let her have at it sometime and take a picture of the end result. These can seriously keep her occupied for half an hour.
This is about all I can think of for the moment, but I will update you more as I REMEMBER things.
*** This has already been so therapeutic for me. I finally feel like I have something back that I have been missing for a long time. ***
Dear Readers,
I have decided to publish a retraction to my last posting. I have decided that I want to start blogging again. I have not been on for several months until the past few weeks and I realized how much I have actually missed reading everyone's blogs, and being able to read my own.
So here is to 2010, the year of REMEMBERING. Remembering the things that make me happy, remembering my friends, remembering my Savior, and sharing that with all of you.
I hope you can all forgive me for being such a slacker!
I have decided to publish a retraction to my last posting. I have decided that I want to start blogging again. I have not been on for several months until the past few weeks and I realized how much I have actually missed reading everyone's blogs, and being able to read my own.
So here is to 2010, the year of REMEMBERING. Remembering the things that make me happy, remembering my friends, remembering my Savior, and sharing that with all of you.
I hope you can all forgive me for being such a slacker!
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