Monday, May 12, 2008

Grades are in

I am completely excited right now!!! All of my grades have been reported and I actually got a 4.0 this semester! I thought all hope of that was lost when I bombed my Calculus final (I got a 43% on it) but with the help of some very needed extra credit I was able to barely get in the A- range. I got A's in two of my other classes and an A+ in the fourth class which basically cancelled out the A- to an A. Hopefully next semester will go just as well and I can raise my gpa the .05 I need to get summa cum laude for graduation (3.8)! Anyway, I thought I would share my exciting news with everyone (maybe it is only exciting for me). Hope you are all doing well!!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

congrats!! I am so happy for you. It will be nice to have a little break too.